Arts, Crafts, Culture

Shinoda Toko Collection. 篠田桃紅コレクション. Gifu Collection of Modern Arts/Nabeya Bi-tech Kaisha. March 2024. (Foreword and Interview translation)

Miho Museum. Ancient Glass: Brilliant Design, Stunning Technique 古代ガラス:輝く意匠と技法, 2024 (technical essays).

Miho Museum. Treasures and Deities of the Peak of Gold 金峯山の遺宝と神仏, 2023. (essay and commentary translation)

Miho Museum. The Maki-e Masters: Their Edo-period Flowering 蒔絵百花繚乱: 江戸時代の名工とその系譜, 2023. (essay and commentary translation)

Nezu Museum. Masterpieces from the Nezu Collection, New Edition: Early Modern Painting, 2023.

Research Report on Entsuke Gold Leaf. Executive Committee for the Promotion of Kanazawa City’s UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (Entsuke Kinpaku), 2023. Translation by Rebekah Harmon and Zackary Kaplan.

11th Enku Grand Prize catalogue, Gifu Prefectural Museum of Art, 2023.

A Daimyo Heritage: Art Treasures of the Ii Family. Hikone Castle Museum, 2022 (forthcoming). Text translated by Matt Treyvaud. Captions and commentaries translated by Lynne E. Riggs and Takechi Manabu.

CIC organized the team of supervisory copyeditors providing quality control services for the FY2019 through 2022 Japan Tourism Agency-Toppan Insatsu project “Promoting Multilingual Support for Sightseeing Destinations around Japan.”

Catalogue for Kyoto National Museum’s Feature Exhibition Olympia Meets Japanese Art, held June 5 to July 4, 2021.

Catalogue of the exhibits and works in the permanent collection of the Beni Museum, 2020. Correction and editing of translation of text, captions, and list of works. Catalog available at the museum.

Noh Masks: Flowers in the Mirror. By Ōtsuki Kōkun. Translation by Lynne E. Riggs and Takechi Manabu. Kyūryūdō, 2019.

Children’s Play Environments: Nursery Schools and Kindergartens. Mitsuru Senda and the Environment Design Institute, 2018.

Miho Museum. Kenzan: A World of Quietly Refined Elegance 乾山: 幽邃と風雅の世界 (catalogue, 2004); The Spirit of Japanese Glass: From Magatama to Vidro/Diamant (catalogue; 2006). (「和ガラスの心」); The Archaic Smile: From the Mediterranean to East Asia and Japan (catalogue; Summer 2007). (「いにしえのほほえみ」); Yosa Buson: On the Wings of Art 与謝蕪村: 翔けめぐる創意 (catalogue, 2008); Drinking Vessels in Japan 日本における酒器 (pamphlet, 2008); Miho Museum Diary (2006, 2007, 2008); Ceramics in Medieval Japan: The Six Old Kilns and Their World (2010); Miho Grandama I: Arte della Luce (2010); Omi: Spiritual Home of Kami and Hotoke (2011); Miho Grandama II: To the Honored Mother (2012); Miho Museum. Dogu, a Cosmos (catalogue, 2011); Negoro: Efflorescence of Medieval Japanese Lacquerware (catalogue, 2013); Shishi & Komainu: Mythical Beasts from Far Away (catalogue, autumn 2014); Kazari: Decoration in Faith and Festival (2015); In Praise of Tea Ceremony Kettles (2016); 20th Anniversary Special Exhibition Here Is Shangri-La: I. M. Pei and the Miho Museum Story (South Wing and North Wing volumes; 2017). Sarugaku Masks: Shaping the Culture of Noh, 2018; Discovering Nagata Yuji, Unsung Makie Master, 2019; Shigaraki Palace and the Gods and Buddhas of the Kōka Region, 2019; The Miho Museum Painting Collection and the Heart of Japanese Art, 2020; The Age of Maki-e: The Kodaiji Style and the Birth of the Maki-e Artisans, 2021; The Vessels of Kaiseki, 2022; The Birth of Ancient China, 2022; Beauty in Prayer: “Universal Symphony,” 2023.

Saito, Yutaka (齋藤 裕). Renzo Piano Building Workshop. The Making of Kansai International Airport Terminal, Osaka, Japan (Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1994). Carlo Scarpa 建築の詩人 カルロ・スカルパ (Tokyo: Toto Shuppan, 1997); Yutaka Saito: Architect 齋藤裕の建築 (Tokyo: Toto Shuppan, 1998); Casa Baragan カーサ・バラガン (Tokyo: Toto Shuppan, 2002); Louis I. Kahn Houses ルイス・カーンの全住宅 1940–1974 (Tokyo: Toto Shuppan, 2003); Villa Mairea: Alvar Aalto 1937–1939 アルヴァ・アールト(Tokyo: Toto Shuppan, 2005); Aalto: 10 Selected Houses アールトの住宅 (Tokyo: Toto Shuppan, 2008); The Essence of Japanese Architecture I 日本建築の形 I and The Essence of Japanese Architecture II 日本建築の形 II (Tokyo: Toto Shuppan, 2016, 2017).

Shinoda Toko 100 Years: Momo no Fu Scenes from a Century. Translation by Lynne E. Riggs and Takechi Manabu. Gifu Collection of Modern Arts Foundation, 2013.

Amamonzeki. Catalogue, sponsored by Tokyo University of the Arts 東京藝術大学, Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies 中世日本研究所, and Sankei Shimbun, for the exhibition “Amamonzeki, a Hidden Heritage: Treasures of the Japanese Imperial Convents,” April 14 to June 14, 2009 at Tokyo University of the Arts 東京藝術大学.

Serizawa Keisuke, Collection. Serizawa Keisuke, Collection. (Tohoku Fukushi University, 2007). (「芹沢銈介(コレクション)」)

Serizawa Chosuke, ed. Serizawa Keisuke Exhibition Catalogue. (Asahi Shimbunsha, 2005).

Metropolitan Museum of Art. Turning Point: Oribe and the Arts of Sixteenth-Century Japan. Edited by Miyeko Murase. (New York: Yale University Press, 2003).

The Hidden Gardens of Kyoto. Photographs by Katsuhiko Mizuno. Text by Masaaki Ono. (Tokyo: Kodansha International, 2004)

Matsuba, Kazukiyo (松葉一清). Ando, Architect. (Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1998). (「安藤忠雄・建築家の発想と仕事」)

Muramatsu, Teijiro (村松貞次郎). Westerners in the Modernization of Japan. (Tokyo: Hitachi, Ltd., 1995). (「日本の近代化とお雇い外国人」).

Mazda Motor Corporation-sponsored Culture Series. Texts by Yoshida Mitsukuni (マツダ・カルチャー・シリーズ 吉田光邦):

The Wheel: A Japanese History (1981); The Compact Culture: The Ethos of Japanese Life (1982); The Hybrid Culture (1984); The Culture of Anima (1985); Hiroshima and Beyond: A Heritage of Technology (1985); The People’s Culture (1986); Harmony with Nature: A Heritage of Craftsmanship (1986); Asobi: The Sensibilities at Play (1987); Naorai: Communion of the Table (1989); Tsukuru: Aesthetics at Work (1991); Wabi, Sabi, Suki (1992).

Yokohama Archives of History (横浜開港資料館). R.H. Brunton. (Yokohama: Yokohama Archives of History, 1991). (「日本の灯台と横浜のまちづくりの父」)

Japanese Gardens: Images, Concepts, Symbolism. Text by Yoshida Mitsukuni. Photographs by Takeji Iwamiya. (Tokyo: Hitachi, Inc. 1990).

Ashihara, Yoshinobu (芦原義信). The Aesthetic Townscape. (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1983). (「街並みの美学」); The Hidden Order: Tokyo Through the Twentieth Century. (Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1989). (「隠れた秩序」).

Kawashima, Chuji (川島宙次). Minka: Traditional Houses of Rural Japan. (Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1986

International Library of Children’s Literature (National Diet Library), Digital Gallery of World Picture Books: “Children’s Books: Transmission of Images,” “Edo Picture Books and Japonisme,” “The Picture Book as Stage,” “Jugendstil Picture Book Artists and Their Contemporaries,” “Art and Daily Life: Modernism in the Picture Book.”

Japanese Culinary Academy’s Complete Japanese Cuisine, Introduction to Japanese Cuisine: Nature, History and Culture; Flavoring and Seasoning: Dashi, Umami, and Fermented Foods; Mukoita I: Cutting Techniques—Fish; Mukoita II—Cutting Techniques, Seafood, Poultry, and Vegetables. Shuhari Initiative. Client: Letras (editorial services).

Louis Fransen: Public Art English text for bilingual volume prepared by Arrow Art Works Col., Ltd. Text by Hisao Taki, et al.